Tuesday, 12 October 2021




According to dictionaries silence is soundlessness, noiselessness, stillness, quietness, muteness, wordlessness, voicelessness, uncommunicativeness,  and also peacefulness and  tranquillity.

A silent  person may be mum, dumb, tongue-tied or tight-lipped.

Despite all its connotations, silence is not  the opposite of speech.  It has  its own sound and way of communication.

A silent man is wordless but not uncommunicative. He does speak but without the use of language.  His is a language of silence which has to serve a purpose different from that of speech.

A Persian poet says that in certain situations  the meaning conveyed by silence is almost impossible to be conveyed through speech.

English poet William Shakespeare (1564-1616) tells us “the silence, often of pure innocence, persuades when speaking fails.“

British author Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) regards silence as greater than speech.

American author Mrs. S.J.Hale (1790-1879) believes that the temple of our purest thoughts is silence.

French mystic Madam Gyyon (1648-1717)  divides silence into three kinds. Silence from words because inordinate speaking tends to evil. Silence or rest from desires and passions because it promotes quietness of spirit. The best of all is silence from unnecessary and wandering  thoughts, because that is essential to internal recollection, and because it lays a foundation for a proper reputation.

Hungarian patriot  Kossuth Louls (1802-94) recommends silence because the unspoken word never does harm.

BY quoting the Vedanta, Indian professor of Sufism, Hazrat Inayat Khan ( 1882-1927) describes speech as a breach in the breath which is dangerous because breath is the chain which links body, heart, and soul together.  When breath goes, life goes and cannot be retrieved by any medicine. Thus by speaking we take away much of our life; a day’s silence means a week longer of life and more, and a day’s speech means a week less of life. This explains why Indian Munis and mystics who seldom speak live a long life. Silence besides being a relaxation of mind and body is restful and healing. Thus, the power of silence is very get, not only for the gaining and preservation of energy and vitality, but also morally because most of the follies we commit ae follies of speech.

             Finally, an extract from Gandhiji’s “Virtues of  Silence “ mentioned in The Health Guide : “I find that silence avoids irritation….There is a perceptible drop in blood pressure. After every silence I feel recuperated and have greater energy for work. The output of work during silence is much greater than when I am silent. The mind enjoys a peace during silence which it does not without it. The  decision to be silent itself produces a soothing effect on me. “


12th October 2021                                                                 G.R.KANWAL     

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