Friday 19 August 2022




On this birthday of Lord Krishna, let us recall some of his sayings which are eternally preserved in his epic song ‘The Gita’.

The first saying which is most important and gives strength to humanity is that life is not perishable.  It is the body which becomes lifeless at its appointed time. The soul that keeps the body alive is imperishable. It is both birthless and deathless.  It is cyclic, moves from one body, into another.  It is unlike material bodies which can be burnt by fire or cut into pieces by a weapon like a sword. With these words, the Lord successfully makes human beings fearless of death.

Several other sayings of the Lord act as a guide to peaceful and  dynamic life.  Action, says He, is better than inaction. Duty has to be performed as a right but its reward cannot be claimed as a right. Peace depends upon the state of one’s own mind. Too many desires destroy happiness. Anger, lust and greed are the three greatest enemies of humans. . A man is the epitome of his beliefs. Ego and envy are negative forces. Positivity lies in love, compassion and humility. The greatest conquest is the conquest of one’s mind. Don’t’ entertain worries about the future. The present time is the only  real time, embrace it. God can be won only by love. Have empathy. Feel the joys  and sorrows of others as your own.  This will lead to a spiritual union between you and them.   There are five disciplines of the mind to be practiced. These are self-control, purity of thought, gentleness,  silence and  calmness. The mind of man is fickle. It must be made steady by the use of intellect whenever it goes estray.

Make these sayings the guidelines of your life and lead a most successful and joyous life.


19th August 2022                                                            G. R.KANWAL




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