Tuesday 8 November 2022


                      GURU NANAK Said

                                   GOD IS ONE


There is ONE God’, all powerful.  Everything happens with His will. He is al-powerful.  The world is just a shadow, a mere pretext.


God raises him whom He pleases. With his pleasure the sea flows over the desert and the lotus blooms in the sky.


Nobody can find fault with God’s doing.


All things in the world are transient ; God alone is eternal. Even the sun and the earth will vanish.

God is  formless and immaterial. He is Truth. He belongs to everything and everything belongs  belongs  to Him.  He is the creator and the creation.


He  is the true and the  eternal.

He was true in the beginning is  perpetually true since then. Hs true today and will always  remain true.   




8th November 2022                                                                 G.R.Kanwal








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