Monday, 6 February 2023




Life is not punishment. It is so valuable that it cannot be punishment. It is a reward. Chandra Mohan Jain by actual name, Osho was a great mystic.  His innumerable addresses cover many prominent mystics, saints, philosophers and their beliefs.   All of the addresses which are also published in the form of books and as extracts in journals are packed with novel ideas.  They not only enlighten the reader but also inspire and astonish him.

             Here is what he adds to “Life is not punishment.”

    You should be thankful to existence that it has chosen you  -  to breathe through you, to love through you, to sing through you, to dance through you. 

Osho believes that if one keeps growing up in maturity and understanding, one never becomes old.  one is always young because one is always learning. Learning keeps you young because you are not burdened with repressions. You are weightless. You feel as if you were just a child –a new comer to the beautiful earth.

          OSHO was born  in Kuchwada now in Madhya Pradesh on 11th December 1931 and passed away on January 19, 1990. Known as a great mystic,  he is studied all over the world because of his astonishing ideas.

As a mystic and a critic of unscientific ideas, he is both respected and criticised  


6th February 2023                                              G.R.Kanwal  

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