Monday 20 March 2023




On this ‘International Day of Happiness’ (20th March), let me share with you the following quotation which I came across a long time ago. It is attributed to an aged man who did not disclose his name and to the question , “Which is the happiest season of life”, he replied :


“When spring comes, and in the soft air the buds are breaking on the trees, and they are  covered with blossoms.  I think, how beautiful is spring ! And when the summer comes, and covers the trees with its heavy foliage, and singing birds are among the branches, I think, how beautiful is summer ! When autumn loads them with golden fruit, and their leaves bear the  gorgeous tint of frost, I think, how beautiful is autumn ! And when it is sere winter, and there is neither foliage nor fruit , then I look up through the leafless branches, as I never could until now, and see the stars shine.”



20th March 2023                                                                                        G.R.Kanwal

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