Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind 
            As the temperature in Delhi fell to 2.4 degrees on 30th December 2019 and made DelhiItes shiver because such a cold winter had repeated itself after a lapse of 119 years, I was suddenly reminded of a song recited by Amiens, a singer in the play ‘AS YOU LIKE IT’ written by the greatest English playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) between the end of 1598 and the middle of 1600.
                The song which is reproduced below points towards the eternal reality:     “That the wind can be unkind and blow strong but it isn’t as cruel as human society.’ 
The text of the song reads as follows:
            “Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
            Thou art not so unkind
            As man’s ingratitude;
            Thy tooth is not so keen,
            Because thou art not seen,
            Although thy breath be rude.
Heigh-ho! Sing, heigh-ho! Unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
            Then, heigh-ho, the holly!
            This life is most jolly.
            Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
            That dost not bite so nigh
            As benefits forgot:
            Though thou the waters warp,
            Thy sting is not so sharp
            As friend remember’d not.
            Heigh-ho! Sing, heigh-ho! “
31st December 2019                                                        G. R. KANWAL

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