Friday, 6 December 2019


                           SIX ATTRIBUTES OF GOD
Zoroaster, Iranian spiritual leader and religious prophet (C 628 BCE – C 551 CEB) believed in one universal transcendent all-good and un-created supreme creator deity, Ahura Mazda, which means the Wise Lord.
The six attributes of God reproduced herein are mentioned in a small book entitled “Gems from the Divine Song of Zoroaster) compiled by one Shri D .J .Irani.  This book was published in Bombay now Mumbai, in August 1922.
1.     The Spirit of the Good Mind.
The Wise Lord is the fountain source of the Perfect Good Mind. It is placed first, for the Good Mind or Good Thought is the foundation on which the edifice of all goodness in words and in actions is based.
2.     The Spirit of Truth.
It  is part of the very essence of the Supreme Being. From the principle of Truth and Right proceed the harmony of Universal Law and Order, and hence the term “Asha” is often used to mean the Holy and Immutable Laws of the Universe.
3.     The Spirit of Holy Sovereignty.

Ahura Mazda is the Supreme Sovereign Lord, and the term “Khashtra” refers both to His Spiritual Sovereignty as well as to His Dominion of Heaven.  And just as men can have the gifts of the Good Mind and Righteousness for themselves, so can they establish by means thereof a Kingdom of Heaven on this earth, if they would only strive to do so.

4.The Spirit of Benevolent Piety. 
It is described as the spirit of the active and zealous mind, working diligently for the welfare of mankind , It is  also known as the “Bountiful Armaiti.”  For example, a peasant toiling arduously on his soil, rearing up his family, caring for his flock and lands, is more blest by the Spirit of Bountiful Piety than a recluse who has renounced the world and lives on alms. Hence Piety with the diligent and benevolent mind also becomes a religious duty.
5. The Spirit of Healthful Well-being or Perfection.
6. The Spirit of Immortality.
            These are said to be the Twin Spirits, or the Twin Blessings which Providence awards to the man who yearns for and strives to possess the above-mentioned attributes of the Almighty.
            According to Zoroaster, a man or woman, who is inspired by the Good Mind. whose actions are guided by Truth, who works diligently for the welfare of God’s Good Creation, who strives in his or her humble way to make the world progress towards perfection, will certainly be blessed by Providence by the Twin Blessings of Healthful and Happy Life here, and Immortality ever afterwards in the Fair Abode of the Great Father.
            For more about Zoroaster and his teachings, please refer to some current encyclopedia.

6th December 2019           G. R. KANWAL            

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