Thursday, 30 January 2020


In common parlance, crime in an unlawful, illegal act.  It is wrong-doing, misdeed or trespass or immoral action which is punishable according to the law of the land where it is committed.
It is rare that a society tries to find out the compulsive causes which turn a normal citizen into a criminal. To detect criminals mechanically and inflict punishment upon them on the basis the prevailing laws is not the best approach.  
According to Gandhiji all crime is a kind of disease and should be treated as such. Like any other malady, it is a product of the prevalent social system. No one commits crime for the fun of it. It is a sign of diseased mind and as such the cause of a particular disease should be investigated and removed.  He suggests: “All criminals should be treated as patients, and the jails should be hospitals admitting these kinds of patients for treatment and cure.”
Gandhiji believed that criminals, sinners, evildoers, offenders, and mischievous persons are actually ignoramuses. They commit their acts unconsciously. What they need for cure is not penal reaction but enlightenment. Punishment, said he, does not purify; if anything, it hardens.
It is not strange if Gandhiji often decided to forgive criminals and sinners. His ideology stood for hating the crime, not the criminal; the sin, not the sinner. He exemplified his stand by referring to God who looks at our acts, and any breach of His Law carries with it, not its vindictive, but its purifying, compelling punishment
As regards capital punishment, he could not, in all conscience, agree to anyone being sent to the gallows because once a man is killed the punishment is beyond recall or reparation. God alone can take life, because He alone gives it.
               30th January 2020                                                      G.R.KANWAL

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