Thursday 4 February 2021






Husband and Wife


The wise husband and wife know that even the deepest love must have its intervals of non-active expression.  The do not fall into a panic because they are not the object of each other’s ceaseless preoccupation.  On the contrary, they realize that a person who makes constant demands for “proofs” of love is like an insecure child who clamours endlessly for his mother’s attention.  Those who are confident of their basic love will see to it, instead, that provision is made for release of the tensions and hostilities inevitable in every intimate association. ---- Smiley Blanton, M.D.


This is Marriage


The mutual sense of ownership felt by the normal husband and the normal wife is something unique, something the like of which cannot be obtained without marriage.


I saw a man and a woman at a sale the other day; I was too far to hear them, but I could perceive they were having a most lively argument---perhaps it was only about pillow-cases; but they were absorbed in themselves; the world did not exist for them.


I thought: “What miraculous exquisite force is it that brings together that strange, somber, laconic organism in a loose, black overcoat, and that strange, vivacious, querulous, irrational organism in fur?”


And when they moved away the most interesting phenomenon in the universe moved away.----Arnold Bennett






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