Saturday 1 October 2022



I.                    I believe in the truth of all religions of the world. And since my youth upward, it has been a humble but persistent effort on my part to understand the truth of all the religions of the world, and adopt and assimilate in my own thought, word and deed all that I have found in the best of those religions. (Harijan, 16 Feb 1934).


II.         I should love all the men ---- not only in India but in the world ----belonging to the different faiths, to become better people by contact with one another, and if that happens, the world will be a much better place to live in than it is today. I plead for the broadest toleration and I am working to that end …I do not expect the India of my dream to develop one religion, i.e. to be wholly Hindu or wholly Christian, or wholly Mussalman, but I want it to be wholly tolerant with its religions working side by side with one another. (Young India,: December 22, 1927}.    

Note: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869.  He is also  called Mahatma Gandhi and the father of the nation, for he used the unique method of non-violence to get India liberated from the British rule . Indiia became free on 15th August 1947. Unfortunately, he was assassinated in New Delhi by an Indian on 30th January  1948. Among the masses of India he is also remembered as BAPU.  



2nd October 2022                                                                                G.R.Kanwal


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