Thursday, 7 September 2023



          HUMAN VALUES

Values are codes of behaviour, principles, norms, standards, morals, ethics, etc.  Each department of life has its own values like business values, social values, commercial values, political values, religious values, etc. Values strengthen one’s moral behaviour in the stream of life in which one is professionally or otherwise engaged. Human values are multiple values and have its sources from various subjects.  Look at a little bit of their variety:

            Love, friendliness, fellow-feeling, good neighbourliness, sympathy, loyalty,  honesty, truth, gratitude,  tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, charity, nobleness, benevolence, patriotism,  philanthropy, Godliness, etc . These are some of the chosen values as  bring out  the fundamental goodness of human beings.

            Here is a description of LOVE  as a human value:

            LOVE is the purification of the heart from self; it strengthens and ennobles the character , gives a higher motive and a nobler aim to every action of life, and makes both man and woman strong, noble, and courageous; and the power to  love truly and devotedly is the noblest gift with which a human being can be endowed; but it is a sacred fire that must not be burned to idols.  English author Miss Jewsbury (1800-1833).  

G. R. Kanwal

7th September 2023        



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