Sunday 24 September 2023






The sense of fellowship is grown

A radiant mystery

The dark is shot with light; the stone

Is light unto the eyes that see. 


No more the wild confused main

Is tossed about with storms of fear

The sea is singing; and the rain

Is music to the ears that hear.

            This two-stanza poem is written by British poet and novelist  Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (23 September 1861—25 August 1907). British poet S.T. Coleridge (1772-1834)  was among her relatives.


UNITY is a philosophical poem.  The central idea is that hard and soft, dark and light, song and storm co-exist in the same object. A hard piece of stone is soft to the eye which looks at it.  The stormy sea is not stormy and fearsome on each side; there is another side where you find rain singing a song and pleasing you.

So look at things not partially but fully. They are both noise and music, hope and despair, light and darkness.  We  shall be wiser if we  look at both the sides of a situation  in a unified way.   


G. R. Kanwal

24t  September 2023







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