Sunday 14 January 2024




Worship is defined as reverence and respect paid to God. Other words which can be used as synonyms are veneration, adoration, devotion, prayer, etc.           

God is worshipped because he is the creator of the world and all of us depend upon Him for our existence. It is also meant to thank Him for all his mercies without which we cannot keep our body and soul together.

We should worship as though God were present.  If our mind is not engaged in our worship, it is as though we worshipped not.

Here are two important quotes on worship:

1. It is for the sake of man, not of God, that worship and prayers are required; that man may be made better---that he may be confirmed in a proper sense of his dependent, and acquire those pious and virtuous dispositions in which his highest improvement consists. ---Hugh Blair, Scottish Divine (1718-1800).

2. Man is a religious being; the heart instinctively seeks for God. Whether he worships on the banks of the Ganges, prays with his face upturned to the sun, kneels towards Mecca or, regarding all space as a temple, communes with the Heavenly Father according to the Christian creed, man is essentially devout.-----William Jennings Bryan, American statesman and orator (1860-1925).



14th January 2024


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