Tuesday 16 January 2024




Wishes are unfulfilled desires or desires that cannot be fulfilled. If you wish for something you want it or yearn for it. A wish can also be a hope or expectation or dream.

Human beings are advised not to have too many wishes because their unfulfilment causes unhappiness and can even make them adopt unfair means for their fructification.   

To be contented with what God has given you is to enjoy happiness. Contentment is equal to fulfillment, satisfaction, complacency, tranquility and gratification.

Saints and seers tell their devotees not to wish for more. It is rightly said by someone that wishes are the parents of large families, but the children are generally inefficient and useless. ---They are the source of idle and vain dreams, and of air castles which have no solid foundation. ---The idle wish sends one on a vain journey from which he gains nothing but mental emptiness and discontent with his lot, and it may be some rebukes of conscience, if it is sharp enough to see his folly.        

To conclude, let your wishes be few and far between and capable of keeping you adequately satisfied. There is no fun in having more and more wishes with proportionate increase in resultant unhappiness.



16 January 2024

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