Friday 17 May 2024




Truth is real; falsehood is artificial.  The one is factual; the other is fictitious. One is based on ethics; the other on immorality. Both truth and falsehood have always been there. Falsehood may defeat truth for any length of time but not forever. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) said in one of his stories : “God sees the truth but waits.”

Falsehood in all its forms is widely prevalent in the world today. It has been rightly said by somebody: “Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.”

            Falsehood is both a crime and a sin. If it escapes punishment in this world; it gets penalised  in the next world.

            Never think of telling a lie or indulging in falsehood. Your conscience cannot bear its harmful burden  for a long time.

            Be true whatever be the consequences . None but cowards lie.   A man of truth is a man of courage.

            Truth is fearless. If it ever gets mixed with falsehood, it starts repenting. It intends to become clean as fast as possible. Some people shed tears to wash their sin of having told a lie or having indulged in any falsehood.  To harbour falsehood in your heart for a long time is dangerous for your physical, mental and emotional health.  

            To conclude, two short but vital quotes: (1) Half a truth is often a great lie. (2) A lie can answer any question, but only the truth brings healing.  



17th May 2024



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