Friday 19 July 2024



                WHAT IS EGOTISM?

Ego is defined as a person’s sense of his/her own value and importance. If you are egocentric , you think only about yourself and not about what other people need or want. In other words you are selfish.

            Egoism or egotism is the fact of thinking that you are better or more important than anyone else.

There is also egomania:  a mental condition in which somebody is interested in himself or concerned about himself in a way that is not normal.

            Some famous thoughts on egotism are :

(1) Egotism is the tongue of vanity.

(2) It is never permissible to say “I say.”  

(3) There is not one wise man in twenty that will praise himself. English dramatist William Shakespeare (1564-1616 ).

(4) Egotism is more like an offence than a crime, though ‘tis is allowable to speak of yourself provided nothing is advanced in your own favor; but I cannot help suspecting that those who abuse themselves are, in reality, angling for approbation. ---Swiss physicist Johann Georg Zimmerman -- 1728-95.

(5) The egotist hates losing – even to God.

            Finally, an egotistic person cannot become admirable  because he continues to remain snobbish and swellheaded,  and does not cease  claiming himself to be high-and-mighty.    



19 July 2024


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