Tuesday, 14 July 2020



            In this time of Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing Is an unavoidable preventive measure. It keeps people safe from catching infection. There is no alternative to it during person to person dialogue or participation in any large gathering.
            Yet, there is a problem when a patient meets a doctor.  Earlier if a doctor checked the chest, back and blood pressure of a patient, in social distancing norm, it is conveniently avoided and the treatment is prescribed only on the symptoms described by the patient. While this is a professional safeguard for the doctor, it is significantly disadvantageous to the patient.
            There may be many other professions where social distancing disallows fulsome performance of professional duties. Here is a short professional note  related to criminal interrogation and confessions.
            “The interrogator should sit fairly close to the subject, and between the two there should be no table, desk, or other piece of furniture. Distance or the presence of an obstruction of any sort constitutes a serious psychological barrier and also affords the subject a certain degree of relief and confidence not otherwise attainable.
            As to the psychological validity of the above suggested seating arrangement, reference may be made to the commonplace but yet meaningful expressions such as “getting next” to a person, or the “buttonholing” of a customer by a salesman. These expressions signify that when a person is close to another physically, he is closer to him psychologically .  Anything such as a desk or a table between the interrogator and the subject defeats the purpose and should be avoided.”
             The upshot of whatever is said above is that distancing such as is inevitable during the present pandemic cannot be made a permanent feature. It will have to be treated as a temporary measure.

14th July 2020                                                                     G.R.KANWAL    

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