Saturday 22 July 2023



                                HOW  TO  PRAY

In answer to a devotee’s question : ”How Should I Pray” Osho, the Indian mystic, Godman and philosopher (1931-1990), does not speak of rituals.  He answers the question in his own unique way.

Osho’s  original name was Chandra Mohan Jain. As  a Godman he became Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Osho is his mystical short name. 

He was a tireless speaker and always full of amazing thoughts and ideas. He disagreed on many  orthodox views, beliefs and rituals and became a controversial figure all over the world where he established his ashrams. He published many discourses on the subject of Prayer. This is how he answered his devotee:

All the religions say that God is Father. In fact, the emphasis should be that man is the child. That is the real meaning when we call God the ‘the Father’. But we have forgotten, God is the Father but we are not His children. Forget whether He is Father or not. You just be a child --spontaneous, true, authentic. Don’t ask me and don’t ask anybody how to pray, Let the moment decide, let the moment be decisive, and the truth of the moment should be your Prayer.

What a wonderful answer !


G. R. Kanwal

22nd July 2023






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