Sunday, 23 February 2025




Cheerfulness is a quality of the heart, the mind and the soul. The body, too, plays its role in breeding it.  A sick body cannot exhibit cheerfulness. You need a healthy, active, strong body to be cheerful. The body is your life. Take care of it so that it keeps you fit for your delightful duties in life.

Cheerfulness also depends upon your temperament.  If you are short-tempered and quick to lose your emotional balance, you cannot be cheerful.

It will be wrong to say that those people who are wealthy and prosperous are always cheerful.  In fact, they may be more cheerless than those who are poor but contented.  

A healthy body, a sound mind and a pure soul are the chief basis of cheerfulness.

Don’t think of breaking the laws of nature and don’t  commit any crime or sin to remain carefree and cheerful.

You have been born in a beautiful world. Your stay here is for a brief destined period. Your aim should be to make this world more beautiful than you find it. You can do it only if you are healthy, dutiful, dynamic, pious  and devoted.

The  golden rule to maintain cheerfulness is: Trust in God and do what is right.

Remember that cheerfulness is health; its opposite melancholy, is disease.

The English essayist, poet and playwright Joseph Addison (1672-1719) said : A cheerful temper joined with innocence will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful, and wit good-natured. It will lighten sickness, poverty, and affliction; convert ignorance into an amiable simplicity, and render deformity itself agreeable.

And according to the Scottish essayist and philosopher Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) : Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, and its power of endurance – the cheerful man will do more in the same time, will do it better, will preserve in it longer, than the sad or sullen.

To conclude this short message :  Cheerfulness is not by chance, but by choice.


G. R. Kanwal

23 February 2025                           


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