‘ Superstitions’ are defined as beliefs
that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or
They are both good and bad; can be
signs of both good or bad luck; predict
success or failure, prosperity or downfall; health or sickness; happiness or unhappiness,
prohibitive or permissive,
Both illiterate and educated people
believe in superstitions. There are lots of superstitions in the so-called
rituals of some religions. They have a psychological impact on their believers.
People who profess to be non-believers
also hesitate take any risk and act superstitiously.
The progress of scientific temperament
is the best approach to eradicate superstitious behavior. But it does not
succeed in its mission if folklore and ancient cultural practices succeed in
having an upper hand.
Surprisingly, even advanced
countries where rationality has spread widely have not been able to get rid of
superstitious conduct.
Some scientists, too, are followers
of superstitions. Whereas their knowledge which demands practical proof for
every action is quite vast, their psychological behaviour is unscientific.
Some of the irrational beliefs which
are equivalents of superstitions are: lucky and unlucky, days, numbers (as
No.13); colours , sneezing; itching in right or left hand; appearance of a cat
when you are about to go somewhere; breaking a mirror; spilling some liquid; ghosts,
evil spirits, etc.
People are said to be superstitious
due to : cultural traditions; individual experiences; religious rituals; want
of scientific attitude; belief in the auspicious or inauspicious movement of
stars; days and timings of a person’s birth, etc.
It is strange that even timings of
performing some events are considered as holy or unholy. So many candidates don’t
defy their pundits if they tell them to
fill up an examination or nomination paper at a particular time.
It has been rightly said that “to
eradicate superstitions, the most effective approach is to promote widespread
education and critical thinking, encouraging people to analyse beliefs based on
logic and scientific evidence.”
To conclude, this famous quote: “Superstition
is to religion what astrology is to astronomy the mad daughter of a wise
5th February 2025
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