Friday, 7 February 2025




Repentance shows that you have done something wrong, vicious, immoral, criminal, or sinful and you are feeling sorry. It is an admission of some guilt and the expression of the promise not to repeat it.   

Some synonyms of repentance are:  sorrow, remorse, penitence, or regret for any moral or legal wrong doing.

The Scottish essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) said: Of all acts of man repentance is the most divine . The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none.

A guilty person who does not repent loses peace of mind. His conscience continues to prick him. He becomes sleepless and uncomfortable in  his daily  duties. His physical organs get adversely affected. Anxiety becomes his mental  problem. .

It is wrong to treat sin or crime or any other kind immoral act as a physical ailment curable by some medical treatment. Sin is a spiritual disease . Its best remedy is self-cure  through remorse.

To become innocent again is to give up wrong-doing for ever.

Water can clean your body but not your soul.

According to The English divine Robert South (1634-1716): Repentance hath a purifying power, and every tear is of a cleansing virtue; but these penitential clouds must be still kept reappearing ; one shower will not suffice; for repentance is not one single action, but a course.

Robert South also adds: True repentance has a double aspect; it looks upon things past with a weeping eye, and upon the future with a watchful eye.

Sinners can become saints provided they truly repent for their past sins, do not recommit them, and continue to pray to God for forgiveness.     

It is necessary to learn that  that true repentance is to cease from sinning.

To conclude, here is an important  quote: Repentance is about humbly acknowledging sins, turning away from them, and surrendering to God’s mercy and grace.



7th February 2025                                     


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