Friday, 15 January 2021




         ARE YOU A LEADER?  


IT is said that leaders are born, not made.  But we can certainly do much to develop within ourselves the qualities of leadership.  These usually reflect an attitude which inspires confidence, not only in our skill and efficiency, but also in our ability to assess a situation and organize the means of dealing with it.


Try this test to see how you stand.  Answer “Yes” or “No” to the questions before turning to the key at the end.


1.     Have you plenty of physical and nervous energy, and are you the type who does not tire easily?


2.     But when you are tired or have a cold or a headache, can you stay cheerful and keep going on an essential job?


3.     Do you study to improve yourself and keep abreast of modern developments, especially in your business, profession, or trade?


4.     Are you enthusiastic about your work and interests?


5.     Do you find it easy to infect others with your enthusiasms?


6.     Is it easy for you to get people to work willingly with and for you?


7.     Do they automatically turn to you for guidance and encouragement?


8.     Do you welcome and enjoy responsibility?


9.     Are you able to express yourself clearly, simply, and exactly, in speech and writing?


10. Would you say that you are not easily put off or discouraged?


11. Have you enough self-confidence to carry on in the face of criticism, disapproval, opposition, ridicule?


12. Do you possess enough courage to stand up to a bully or to unreasonable people?


13. 13. But do you also possess enough charm of manner and sufficient tact to get along with most people?




15. Are you quick to sum up a situation and evolve a plan to meet it?


16. Is your judgment usually sound?


17. Can you always see the humorous side, even when things are grim?


18. Can you make a mistake or look silly without getting miserable or bad-tempered about it?


19. Are you quick to share the praise with others?


20. Are you equally ready to share blame?


21. Are you always just and reasonable in what you ask and expect from others?


Count five marks for every “Yes.” A score of 70 and over shows that you have the makings of a good leader; 60-70 means that you have the right idea although you need to develop it further; 50-60 is fair----a lot of self-discipline and hard work is required before you will make the grade.  Under 50 is not satisfactory.



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