Sunday, 7 March 2021





“I salute you, Barack Obama, for winning the Nobel Prize for Peace.  By winning it you have made the White House an eighth world wonder of peace and a point of pilgrimage for humanity longing for a new century of lasting tranquility on earth.


“Our human universe is a divine creation, the celestial manifestation of happy habitation for all mankind.  But by the accumulation of power and aggravation of development through science and technology, and intoxicated with power, man has converted the good earth into a vast crematorium of humanity, where progress spells carnage and human right are alien to the new generation. 


“If each one of us be the abode of God, it is to preserve for the maker’s project a dynamic philosophy of jubilation as against widespread destruction.  The biggest power of nuclear disaster must undergo transformation by a magic of work, wealth and happiness.  Such a metamorphosis is possible only if a million Mahatma Gandhis, a trillion revolutionary Jesus Christs and countless Vivekanandas and Obamas consecrate this planet.  And how the biggest power on earth has produced in a decadent hemisphere and in a white country of white power an enigma in the shape of Mr. Obama.”


“Mr. Obama, you are no longer only an American but a world wonder with a new vision and promise of peace on earth.  You are destined to convert great America into an inspiration for peace everywhere, even beyond the earth and the moon.  A celestial power has whispered into the White House what Mahatma Gandhi would have deserved.”


“Mr. Obama, as an Indian at the age of 95 who is committed to cosmic peace, I plead with providence to give you the creative verve to be the divine engineer to save our morally declining planet controlled by the whites into a society free from race, colour, caste, communalism and corruption  --- so that all living creature may feel a new biosphere where God is no myth but a live force that is materialist at the base and appareled in a moral structure.  You be the prince and make the United States a land where God trod.  You are great and often misunderstood, but you are a beam of light and harkened the dawn of an Advaita world.  There may be critics, but truth I God and you will win at last.”


Emerson wrote: “I it so bad, then, to be misunderstood?  Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.  To be great is to be misunderstood.”


“Your noble incarnation has a purpose – a passion for execution of the termination of terrorism, not by war or arms but by farewell to blood and iron.” (Courtesy: The Hindu, October 15).        


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