Thursday, 18 March 2021




(i).The ballot is greater than  the bullet. (ii). Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. (iii). I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts. (iv). Be not deceived. Revolutions do not go backward. (v). No law is stronger than is the public sentiment where it is to be enforced. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, American President (1809-1865).

(i). Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. (ii). Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed. (iii). He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. (iv). When  the well is dry, we know the worth of water. (v). Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, American statesman and   philosopher (1706-1790).

(i). No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law  (ii). The art of life is the avoiding of pain. (iii). It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no God.  (iv). It is error alone which needs  the support of government. Truth can  stand by itself. (v). We may consider each generation as a distinct nation, with a right, by the will of its majority, to bind themselves, but none to bind the succeeding generation, more than the inhabitant of another country. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Third President of the Unites States (1743-1826). 

(i). Time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future. (ii). The same evolutionary beliefs, for which our forefathers fought are still at issue around the globe – the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. (iii). Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. (iv). A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death. (v). We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future. JOHN F. KENNEDY, Thirty-fifth President of the United States (1917-1963).

(i). Error can claim no exemption even if it can be supported by the scriptures of the world. (ii). After I am gone, no single person will be able completely to represent me. But a little bit of me will live in many of you. (iii). He who would be friends with God must remain alone, or make the whole world his friend. (iv). If a man reaches the heart of his own religion, he has reached the heart of the others too.  V). I am endeavouring to see God through service of humanity, for I know that God is neither in heaven, nor down below, but in every one. MAHATMA GANDHI, Father of the Indian Nation (1869-1948).

(i). The basic fact of today is the tremendous pace of change in human life. (ii). How can a person work if his head does not agree with his heart.? (iii). The legend goes that Ravana had a thousand hands and a dozen heads. The machine gives a man a thousand hands and a dozen heads. (iv). It is the children of science who have made the world today. (v). As a man progresses, God also progresses, for after all God is a creation of man’s mind ….A man’s understanding cannot outstrip his intellect. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU (India’s First Prime Minister (1869-1964).         


18th March 2021                                                                                 G.R.Kanwal

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