Friday 4 August 2023




It is no small pleasure to have in your personal library a book of quotations, alphabetically arranged on various subjects.  I have one.  I read it quit often and find it a great treasure of innumerable thinkers’ views, ideas, suggestions, beliefs, experiences, etc.  Here is a handful of such quotations from the writings of some men of letters.  More may follow some other day.  

1.      ‘Therefore,’ I said rather carelessly, ‘we would have to eat again the fruit of the tree of knowledge, so as to return to the state of innocence?’ ‘Quite so ,’ he replied ; ‘this is the last chapter of the history of the world.’ HEINRICH VON KLEIST

2.      It makes all the difference whether you hear an insect in the bedroom or in the garden. ROBERT LYND

3.      Perpetual inspiration is as necessary to the life of goodness, holiness and happiness as perpetual respiration is necessary to animal life. WILLIAM LAW

4.      Every man has a scheme that won’t work. E. W. HOWE

5.      A man afflicted with constitutional melancholy must divert distressing thoughts, and not combat with them. To attempt to think them down is madness. He should have a lamp constantly burning in his bed chamber during the night, and if wakeful or disturbed , take a book to read, and compose himself to rest. To have the management of the mind is a great art, and it may be attained in a considerable degree by experience and habitual exercise. SAMUEL JOHNSON


            4th AUGUST 2023


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