Saturday, 26 August 2023




            Religion is defined as belief in the existence of a supernatural ruling power, the creator and controller of the universe, who has given to man a spiritual nature which continues to exist after the death of the body.

It is further defined as one of the various systems of faith and worship based on such belief. In our world, there are quite a few major religions including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism Judaism  Sikhism and Zoroastrianism.

Those who do not believe in the existence of God are called atheists, non-believers, disbelievers, heathens, infidels, nihilists, skeptics, etc.   Most of such people are of scientific temperament. They condemn superstitions, illogical rituals and hollow beliefs. When they fall sick they go to medical experts not family priests, and depend upon medicines rather than on prayers.  Some, however,  mix both science and religion and feel more comfortable.  Doctors claim: We treat, He (God) heals.

            Is religion necessary? The best answer is’ yes’. Science, too, is perfectly necessary.

Let us conclude this short note with the following words of Daniel Webster, American orator and statesman (1782-1852):

            “Religion is the tie that connects man with his Creator, and holds him to his throne. If that tie is sundered or broken,he floats  away a worthless atom in the universe, its proper attractions all gone, its destiny thwarted, and its whole future nothing but darkness, desolation and death.”

             Such a man , says Webster, is far, far away from the purposes of his creation.     



26th August 2023


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