Tuesday 8 August 2023




Siddhartha Gautama, popularly Known as Lord Buddha (563-483 B.C.) is remembered for his three philosophies, namely, the Philosophy of Four Noble Truths, the Philosophy of Middle Path and the Philosophy of Eightfold Path. He discovered these philosophies through his extensive wanderings after abdicating the princely life.

  By the Four Noble Truths, he means (1) the truth of suffering, (2) the truth of the cause of suffering, (3) the Truth of the end of suffering and the truth of the path that leads to the termination of suffering.

The philosophy of The Middle Path deals with the extremism of self- denial and self - indulgence. According to the Lord , both extremes are faulty. The correct approach is the adoption of The Middle Path.

For freedom from endless suffering and its re-emergence, he recommends  The Eightfold Path. According to him the eight spokes of the wheel of Dharma are the rules of pure conduct which lead to the stoppage of suffering and sorrow. They are : Right views; right aspirations; right speech; right behavior; right livelihood; right effort; right thoughts; right contemplation.

Combined together these rules signify that noble truth which is related to the destruction of suffering and sorrow



         8th August 2023


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