Thursday 18 April 2024




Anger is fury. It is steady or sudden loss of temper. Normally, it is the result of some old or new provocation. It is similar to retaliation.

Some of its synonyms are  annoyance, rage, indignation , wrath, ire, vexation, outrage, etc.

It is concerned with a person’s negative emotions. It shows intolerance and results in physical or mental outburst. It can become destructive both to him who expresses anger and to him who becomes its victim.

            Some common ways of anger management are : taking deep breaths, drinking water, walking, talking to some delightful friend, reciting some mantra, writing down the cause of your anger on a piece of paper, reciting a relevant song or poem, forgetting the incident and forgiving the provocateur.

            Anger is not a virtue. It is a vice. Calmness is a positive quality. It is your strength. Impatience and intolerance are weaknesses.

            Greek philosopher Pythagoras (570-490 BCE) said anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance.

            According to a Chinese proverb the fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him.

            To conclude, a statement by English dramatist  John Webster (1602-84) : There is not in nature a thing that makes man so deformed, so beastly, as doth intemperate anger.



!8th April 2024


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