Tuesday 9 April 2024




“Come, come, whoever you are,

Wanderer, fire worshipper, lover of leaving.

This is not a caravan of despair.

It does not matter that you have broken your vow

A thousand time, still come,

And yet again come.”


These poetic lines have been taken from “Rumi The Big Red Book by Coleman Barks.”  Rumi”s full name was Jalal-al-Muhammad Rumi. He was born on 30th September 1207 at Balkh, Afghanistan and died on 17 December 1273 at Konya, Turkiye. He is regarded as the greatest mystical poet of Islam.  His poems are  popular among the followers of all the faiths in every part of the world.


The lines quoted above are about God’s forgiveness for all sorts of  sinners howsoever hardened they may be,  provided they have decided to reform themselves.  God is always merciful, his home is one of hope, not of despair.  




9th March 2024  


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