Monday 15 April 2024




A hero is a gifted person. He has extraordinary qualities in his specific field. He out-performs others and becomes a leader. He is looked upon for solution to all the problems of his followers. He achieves this status both by birth and experience. His popularity continues to rise and he starts demanding hero-worship. A time comes when he cannot do without being admired, exalted and glorified. This makes him proud. He starts looking down upon some of his rival.  It is also possible that his hidden weaknesses may start showing themselves  and his esteem mat start declining.

 A great fact is that no hero is perfect. He does have some tragic flaw in his character.  

It is a popular saying that there are heroes in evil as well as good.

A sensible piece of advice is that worship your heroes from afar; contact withers them.

German poet Goethe said : No body is a hero to his valet.

Finally, what a French author Laurent Beaumelle (1726-73) said: Of two heroes , he is the greatest who esteems his rivals most.



15 April 2024






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