Saturday 6 April 2024




To forgive is to let bygones be bygones. It is to excuse, pardon, acquit, not to bear malice or harbour grudge. English poet Alexander pope’s saying : “ To err is human, to forgive, divine “ is only partially true. Human beings, too, should be kind-hearted and forgiving. Revenge and retaliation are not virtues; they are some sort of deadly sins. .

            Forgiveness has many benefits. One of them is “It brings restoration. When we forgive, it opens the door for relationships to be restored. It is the key to rebuilding trust and restoring broken relationships.”

Vindictive and revengeful persons harm not only those who have hurt them but also themselves. The anger which they carry disturbs their inner peace because they go on brooding over the unhappy past events which ruin their physical and mental health.  

            Finally, as somebody said : He who has not forgiven an enemy has never yet tasted one of the most sublime enjoyments of life.



6th March 2024

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