‘Law’ is defined as the whole system
of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey. There are however
many man-made laws in human societies and their disobedience invites various
types of punishments and imprisonments.
The world, not the societies
therein, is the creation of God and its eternal laws of life and death are
unchangeable. They are known as divine laws.
The following extract entitled ‘The
Law’ is taken from Joseph Mazzini’s book ‘ The
Duties of Man and Other Essays ’ first published in 1907.
Mazzini (1805-1872) was an Italian politician, journalist and
activist. He was a revolutionary who worked
for the unification of Italy. A country, according to him, is not a mere
territory . It is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which bind together
all the sons and daughters of that territory.
Mazzini starts his essay with the words: There is no life
without a law. Whatever exists, exists in a certain manner, according to
certain conditions, and under a certain law. A law of aggregation governs
minerals; a law of growth governs plants; a law of motion governs the stars; a
law governs you and your life; a law as much nobler and more lofty than these,
as you yourselves are higher than all other created things on earth. To develop
yourselves, to act, to live according to your law, is your first, nay, your
only duty.
Mazzini adds : God gave you life: God therefore gave you the
law. God is the only Law-giver to the human race. His human laws are only valid
and good in so far as they conform to His law, explaining and applying it: they
are bad whenever they contradict; and it
is then not only your right, but your duty, to disobey them and abolish them.
He who best explains God’s law and applies it to human occasions is your
legitimate head : love him and follow him. But you have not, and cannot have,
any master but God, without being
false and rebellious to Him.
29 June 2024
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