This, Too, Shall Pass Away is a famous poem by Lanta Wilson Smith. She was
born on July 19, 1856 at Castine, Main, and died on October 19, 1939 at
Taunton, Massachusetts.
As a prolific poet,
she contributed her poems to many different publications including the Inter
Ocean , Zion’s Herald and Ram’s Horn.
This, Too, Shall Pass Away is one of her most famous poems. Its
theme is the transient nature of life. No event whether good or bad, sorrowful
or joyous, is everlasting. Nothing stays in this world; everything comes for
some time and then disappears. None should, therefore, take any event as endless.
Let any situation, good or bad, glad or sad may come. We
should always react with these words: “This,
Too, Shall Pass Away.”
Here is
the full text of the poem:
WHEN some great sorrow, like a mighty
Flows through your life with
peace-destroying power,
And dearest things are swept from
sight forever,
Say to your heart each trying hour:
“This, too, shall pass away.”
When ceaseless toil has hushed your
song of gladness,
And you have grown almost too tired
to pray,
Let this truth banish from your heart
its sadness,
And ease the burdens of each dying
“This, too, shall pass away.”
When fortune smiles, and, full of
mirth and pleasure,
The days are flitting by without a
Lest you should rest with only earthly
Let these few words their fullest
import bear:
“This, too, shall pass away.”
When earnest labor brings you fame
and glory,
And all earth’s noblest ones upon you
Remember that life’s longest,
grandest story
Fills but a moment in earth’s little
“This, too, shall pass away.”
19th June 2024
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