Sunday 26 November 2023



          LIFE IS DUTY

In a very short poem “Duty”, American poet Ellen S.Hooper (1816-1841) says:

          I slept and dreamed that life was beauty: but that was wrong. It was a dream, not a reality. In the very second line, she changes her concept about life and writes: I woke and found that life was duty and finishes the poem with four more lines which read as:

           Was then the dream a shadowy lie?

          Toil on, sad heart, courageously,

          And thou shalt find thy dream to be

          A noonday light and truth to thee.


Life, then, is not a beautiful dream but noonday hard work.  It is not sleep but awakening. It is not beauty but duty, not restful sleep but  but perspiring toil.



26 November 2023


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