Sunday, 12 November 2023





                             SOME QUOTES ON LIGHT

1.     As one lamp lights another, nor grows less, so nobleness enkindleth nobleness. American poet James Russell Lowell (1819-18910)

2.     Hail! Holy light , of heaven, first born! English poet John Milton (1608-1674).

3.     The first creation of God, in the works of the days, was the light of sense; the last was the light of reason; and his Sabbath work ever since, is the illumination of the spirit. English writer Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

4.     Light is the symbol of truth.  Scottish poet (1700-1748)

5.     Light is the shadow of God. Greek philosopher Plato (5th century BCE)

6.     Walk boldly and wisely in the light thou hast; there is a hand above will help thee on. American journalist Gamaliel Bailey (1807-1859)


12th November 2023


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