Monday 25 December 2023




                                                CHRISTMAS  DAY

Today (25 December 2023) is Christmas Day, the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ. People say merry Christmas to each other which means:” May your heart be light, your celebrations be joyful, and your time with loved ones, be filled with warmth and laughter. The day occurs as a part of holiday season. A good number of celebrators go away from their homes to picnic spots like hill stations.

            Former French  Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) says the nature of Christ’s existence is mysterious, I admit; but this mystery meets the wants of man.---Reject it and the world is an inexplicable riddle; believe it , and the history of our race is satisfactorily explained.

            According to German religious reformer Martin Luther (1483=1546) , in his life, Christ is an example, showing us how to live; in his death, he is a sacrifice, satisfying for our sins; in his resurrection, a conqueror; in his ascension, a king; in his intercession, a high priest.



25 December 2023


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