Tuesday 12 March 2024




Hared is an undesirable quality in any human being. It is antipathy, dislike, revulsion, ill-will, hostility, grudge, enmity and much more that is antagonistic. It can hardly be tolerated by the one whom you hate and makes him/her revengeful.

French novelist Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) said hatred is the vice of narrow souls ; they feed it with all their littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyranny.   

According to English clergy Caleb C. Colton (1780-1832)  we hate some persons because we do not know them; and we will not know them because we hate them.

Not men and women, but there are many defects, drawbacks, foibles  and vices which one can and must hate. Some of these are hypocrisy, intolerance, injustice, oppression, communalism, casteism, untouchability, narrow-mindedness, war, selfishness, greed, gluttony, anger, revenge, ugliness, revenge, cruelty, mercilessness godlessness, etc.



12th March 2024




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