Wednesday 13 March 2024




Kindness is a virtue; unkindness is a vice.  Kindness wins friends and influences people; unkindness repels them and makes you lonely. Kindness is attractive and magnetic; unkindness is repulsive and offensive.

            If you are unkind, you are unfriendly, ungenerous, cruel, vicious, harsh, heartless, nasty, ruthless and unsympathetic.

            Kindness has innumerable advantages. It is a divine quality. It gets you blessings from everybody except from those who are thankless. It is not only humans who deserve your kindness; birds and beasts, insects and worms, too, have pitiable life.  In fact, there is nothing in creation which has no life, short or long. Be unkind to your mirror, you will lose it hastily; be kind to it and it will remain your companion for decades to come.

Kindness is generosity of the heart and the strength of the soul. It is an imperishable virtue. If you have it, preserve it. If you lack it, cultivate it.

            Finally, as the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) said: “Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.”


G. R. Kanwal

13 March 2024


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