Wednesday 27 March 2024




Self-love is a virtue. Those who do not love themselves cannot love others. It is our duty to love our qualities like good health, hard work, intelligence, honesty, unselfishness, patriotism, self-improvement, dynamism,  charitableness, helpfulness, truthfulness, godliness, lasting morality, etc.

In a sense, self-love is also self-respect. It is self-regard, pride in one’s abilities and  belief in one’s worth.

However, self-love should not make us arrogant, egotistical, haughty or swollen-headed.

Somebody rightly said that self-love is a cup without any bottom; you might pour all the great lakes into it, and never fill it up.

Finally, as the French writer Voltaire (1694-1778) said :  self-love is the instrument of our preservation.; it resembles the provision for the perpetuity of mankind. ---it is necessary, it is dear to us, it gives us pleasure, and we must possess it.    



27 March 2024


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