Friday 8 March 2024




Gratitude is thankfulness towards anybody including GOD for any favour or good done to you. It is appreciation, sense of obligation, acknowledgement of some help provided to you. It is a sign of good character. An ungrateful person is a thankless guy and therefore unappreciable.

God deserves gratitude unconditionally. He has given us life and so many supports to maintain and preserve it.

American author N.P.Wills (1806-!867)  says gratitude is not only the memory but he homage of the heart---rendered to God for his goodness and according to Sir Roger Lessing  (1729-81) a grateful thought toward heaven is of itself a prayer.

Roman statesman Marcus Tullius  Cicero (106 BC—43 BC ) calls gratitude  the mother of virtues , the most capital of all duties, and uses the words grateful and good as synonymous terms, inseparably united in the same character.

It is right to say that our thanks should be as fervent for mercies received as our petitions for mercies sought.

And finally what Roman writer Seneca the Elder (54 BC –39 AD} said: He that urges gratitude pleads the cause both of God and man, for without it we can neither be sociable nor religious.

Believe me before I sleep I utter the words: Thank You, My Lord.

G.R.Kanwal                                      *******

8th February 2024


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