I need so much the quiet of your love
After the day’s loud strife
I need your calm all other things
After the stress of life.
I crave the haven that in your dear
heart lies,
After all toil is done;
I need the starshine of your heavenly
After the day’s great sun.
very short poem which makes the difference
between the strife of the day and the rest of the night is by the American poet
Charles Hanson Towne (1877—1949). The
poet tells his beloved how when he is away from her his day is spent in
stressful labour of the day and he waits for the nightfall when there will be her
stress-bursting heavenly eyes. He will have rest instead of toil and
calmness in place of turbulent activities of the day. The night is thus
presented as a time of relaxation, and of union with his lover in whose heart
he sees a heaven for himself. This
change from day to night is his physical and mental need. The day is a stress
breeder without the presence of his lover and the night is stress-buster with
her presence.
G. R. Kanwal
7th October 2023
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