Saturday 28 October 2023



                TO  CELIA

“To Celia” is a love poem by English playwright, poet and actor Ben Jonson (1572-1637). The poem which is given below is better known as “Drink to me only with thine eyes”.   

“Drink to me only with thine eyes,

And I will pledge with mine;                   

Or leave a kiss but in the cup,

And I’ll not look for wine.

The thirst that from the soul does rise

Doth ask a drink divine;

But might I of Jove’s nectar sup,

I would not change for thine.


I sent thee late a rosy wreath,

Not so much honoring thee

As giving it a hope that there

It could not wither’d be;

But thou thereon didst only breathe

And sent’st it back to me;

Since when it grows, and smells, I swear,

Not of itself, but thee!


It is one of the best monologues on love. The language is very simple, sweet and lyrical. The love of the poet is not physical.  It is “The thirst that from the soul does rise” and “Doth ask a drink divine.“ However, he would not accept Jupiter’s nectar in exchange of the wine of his beloved’s eyes. According to a critic the poem’s speaker tells his beloved that her love is sweeter, more intoxicating, and more life-giving than even the nectar of the gods.



28th October 2023

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