Tuesday 15 October 2024




Health is defined as the state of being physically and mentally healthy. It means fitness, well-being, good condition, sufficient strength and ability to perform all the activities which nature has prescribed for humans as well as non-humans.  

Maintenance of good health is a duty. One has to protect oneself from all those personal and environmental factors which cause illness. Besides taking preventive measures, proper nourishment is also essential. Enough amount of suitable food and pure water is an aid to maintaining good health.

Don’t depend upon medicines to recover from any physical and mental disorder. Spiritual health, too, needs continuous care. An un-healthy soul causes distress, anxiety, and physical torture.

It is better to remember this old saying: Prevention is better than cure.

Lack of appropriate activities, physical exercise, and mental work also create disease and disability.

Those who indulge in vicious activities like smoking and drinking, taking drugs and other intoxicants cannot maintain good health. They fall a prey to the diseases of the liver, lungs, kidney, heart and knees.

An Arabian proverb says: He who has health. Has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.

  A very simple proverb is: Health is wealth.

According to the French writer and philosopher M.D.Voltaire  (1694-1778) :”Regimen is better than physic. Everyone should be his own physician. We ought to assist, and not to force nature. Eat with moderation what agrees with our constitution. Nothing is good for the body but what we can digest. What medicine can procure digestion? Exercise. What will recruit strength? Sleep. What will alleviate incurable evils? Paience. “

Finally this short but relevant quote: Good health is not something we can buy.


G. R.Kanwal

15 October 2024















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