Wednesday 16 October 2024




Help is a blessing. It divides your physical and mental labour. Sometimes it doubles your strength. There are cases where help is totally indispensible as in the upbringing of a child. This world runs with the help of all its inhabitants.  

Help is defined as : aid, assistance, guidance, support, contribution, benefit, advantage, co-operation, encouragement, ratification, confirmation, etc.  

Where human help is in accessible, it is divine help which comes through prayer to God. God helps everybody. His nature is to strengthen, invigorate and uplift you. However, it is also true that God helps those who help themselves.

The devotees of God are never helpless. God is an eternal friend and companion.

I have heard people say that nothing happens without the will of God.

Here are some thoughts on the theme of help:

*Help thyself and God will help thee. -----English divine and Poet George Herbert  (1593-1633).

**When a person is down in the world, an ounce of help is better than a pound of preaching. ---- Lytton Bulwar, English novelist, (1803-73).  

***Light is the task where many share the toil. (Homer, ancient Greek poet , born 8th century BCE).

****God be praised, who, to believing souls, gives light in darkness, comfort in despair. “William Shakespeare, English poet-dramatist (1564-1616).

*****God has so ordered that men, being in need of each other, should learn to love each other, and bear each other’s burden. (George Augustus Sala, English journalist (1828-95).

            Finally, this famous quote: We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other, if you are there always for others,  then in time of need, someone will be there for you.



16 October 2024




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