Thursday 10 October 2024




Hatred is a very strong feeling of dislike for something or somebody. To all intents and purposes it is poisonous.

Some  synonyms of this word are: ill-will, antipathy, hostility, enmity, animosity, grudge, repulsion and rancour. Causes of hatred are: casteism,  communalism, jealousy, wrong religious beliefs, poverty, economic disparities, illiteracy, negative assumptions, baseless fears, false propaganda, etc.

            The consequences of hatred include: Health issues like stress, unhappiness, headache, depression, hypertension, insomnia, social divisions, disunity, disharmony, hate crimes, violence, genocide, intolerance, non-co-operation, war, destruction of property and institutions.

            The strategies that can remove or overcome hatred are: love, friendship,  forgiveness, empathy, understanding, unity, co-operation, expulsion of negative thoughts, belief in inter-faith harmony , secularism,  moral education and belief in the unity of God.

            The French novelist Honore de Balzac (1799-!850)  said: “Hatred is the vice of narrow souls; they feed it with all their littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyrannies.”

            People hate some persons because they do not know them; and they will not know them because they hate them,

            Greek philosopher and historian Plutarch (about 46 AD-119 AD) said: “If you hate your enemies, you will contact such a vicious habit of mind as by degrees will break out upon those who are your friends, or those who are indifferent to you. “

            Finally, this short quote : Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.



10th October 2024





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