Sunday 13 October 2024




            Revenge is defined as something we do in order to make somebody suffer because he has made us suffer.

It is a policy of tit for tat, an eye for an eye. It is also known as wild justice. Law permits it through a fixed procedure but morality does not. Religion, too, is not in favour of retaliation.

One of the cardinal virtues in religion is forgiveness. A gentleman abstains from punishing his offender. He controls his anger and decides to return good for evil, kindness for cruelty.  

It is a simple piece of wisdom that fire does not extinguish fire. For this you need water. To return good for evil is to give evil a chance to become good. The evil-doer becomes conscious of his evil deed when he is tolerated generously. He realizes his folly and decides to get back the love and affection which he lost by causing suffering to any person whosoever.

Some of the great thoughts on avoiding revenge are :

“The best manner of avenging ourselves is by not resembling him who has injured us. ----Jane Porter, English novelist (1776-1850).

“He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well. ----Francis Bacon, English essayist, scientist and philosopher (1561-1626).

According to the American theologian J. M. Mason ( 1770-1829) “A spirit of revenge is the very spirit of the devil; than which nothing makes a man more like him, and nothing can be more opposite to the temper Christianity was designed to promote. If your revenge be not satisfied, it will give you torment now; if it be, it will give you greater hereafter. None is a greater self-tormentor than a malicious and revengeful man, who turns the poison of his own temper in upon himself. “

Finally, this quote: The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.



13th October 2024                          


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