Sunday, 27 October 2024




Life is suffering. Religions call it the overall result of actions in previous births. To stop this situation you have to become a Buddha, an elightened one by following the path of right thinking, right intending, right acting, right living, right speaking, right acting, right planning and right meditating. To be brief, your means as well as ends should be noble. They should be un-punishable by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual suffering.

            Suffering is pain, agony, torment, torture, anguish, discomfort, hardship, distress, affliction, misery, misfortune, and all those physical, mental and spiritual situations which make people uneasy and unhappy and lead them to medical treatments, religious aids, prayers, atonement, abandonment of desires and pleasures and  resort to begging for pardon.

            The best way to deal with suffering is change in life style. Adopt physical simplicity , mental uprightness and spiritual purity.

            Those who have suffered and in a way understood the causes of suffering become humble, sympathetic, helpful, kind-hearted, law-abiding, God-fearing and as much virtuous as they can wherever they work or spend their life time.

            A man of God undergoes suffering silently. He does not complain or grumble. What he prays for is his regeneration and inability to repeat the causes of his present suffering.

            Let suffering make you noble ----- a loveable child of God.

             Finally, this famous and quite relevant quote : “We must learn to suffer what we cannot evade; our life, like the harmony of the world, is composed of contrary things, and one part is no less necessary than the other.”



27 October 2024          


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