Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social
well-being not just the absence of disease or infirmity.
To enjoy good health, you have to eat good food, inhale fresh
air, take suitable exercise, avoid
intoxicants, use your body and mind for harmless activities, have kith and kin,
maintain a friendly circle, be dynamic, enjoy good sleep, keep your environment
neat and clean, be virtuous, commit no wrong, make honesty your best policy, practice
friendless, think positively, love the whole mankind, pray to God for immunity,
don’t harm any living being including birds and beasts.
There may be so many other ways to use to maintain good health
and recoup from any kind of illness because of your own fault or because of the
unhealthy environment .
Avoid cares, worries and anxieties. Remember this old dictum : Care kills the cat.
According a poem written by the English poet-playwright
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) there
are seven ages of man all of which are not healthy and the last one is horrible
: “ second childishness, and mere oblivion, sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste,
sans everything. “
Health is natural fitness, well-being, strength, vigour and
robustness. Its dependence upon medicines and artificial tonics is not only
expensive but also unreliable.
The French writer and philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778) said :
Regimen is better than physic. Every one should be his own physician. We ought
to assist, and not to force nature. Eat with moderation what agrees with your
constitution. Nothing is good for the body but what we can digest. What
medicine can procure digestion? Exercise. What will recruit strength? Sleep.
What will alleviate incurable evils? Patience.
The English writer Izaak Walton (1593=1683) advised: Look to
your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to a blessing
that we mortals are capable of – a blessing that money cannot buy; therefore
value it, and be thankful for it.
To conclude, here is a relevant quote: He who has health, has
hope, and he who has hope, has everything.
7th March 2025
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