Sunday, 4 February 2024




LOVE between two persons, including man and woman, child and parent, friend and friend,  stands for affection, fondness, care, concern, attachment, passion, adoration, yearning, intimacy, liking, etc. If anything is better than to be loved, it is loving.

            Love without loyalty is painful.  It should not be the fragrance of a flower which begins in the morning and vanishes by the evening. Love should be eternal.

According to the English novelist Bulwer-Lytton  (1803-1873) the love of man , in his mature years, is not so much a new emotion, as a revival and concentration of all his departed affection toward others.

            Madness in love is bad. It should not be too much at any time because it will be like lust, a fire made out of straws. Love should be a constant warmth from something everlasting.

Love is the perpetual need of the soul.  That is why the following incomplete  anonymous poem is titled Love Me Little Love Me Long.

Love me little, love me long,

Is the burden of my song:

Love that is too hot and strong

Burneth soon to waste.

I am with little well content,

And a little from thee sent

Is enough, with true intent,

To be steadfast friend.

…… Constant love is moderate ever

And it will through life persever,

Give to me that with true endeavor,

I will it restore:

A suit of durance let it be,

For all weathers, that for me,

For the land or for the sea,

Lasting evermore.

Love me little, love me long,

Is the burden of my song.


G.R.Kanwal. 4th February 2024

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