Monday 19 February 2024




‘Kindness’ is defined as generosity, charity, warm-heartedness, etc. A kind person is nice, gentle, polite, decent, helpful, considerate, friendly, gentle, agreeable, affectionate, lenient, favourable, good, nice, and void of every type of harshness.

            Here are some famous quotations on kindness:-

1.     Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.--- German poet-philosopher Goethe.

2.     The drying up a single tear, has more of honest fame, than shedding seas of gore.---- English poet Lord Byron.

3.     Kind looks, kind words, kind acts, and warm handshakes -----these are secondary means of grace when men are in trouble and are fighting their unseen battles.-----Former United States Representative.

4.     A kind heart is a fountain of gladness ,making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. -----American writer Washington Irwing

5.     Kindness is the language the dumb can speak, and the deaf can hear and understand.----American writer Christian Nestel Bovee.

6.     The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. ----English poet William Wordsworth.

Finally, remember at every moment of your life that kindness breeds kindness.




19 February 2024

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